Health, Water and Sanitation

Mainstream the Sustainable Development Agenda of of quality Health care for all in both urban and rural areas.

Youth and Community Development

Running a school for research, technology, medical and biomedical sciences

AOrganizational Development

Developing sustainable farming and producing scientific medicines

Community Empowerment:

Providing skills training and development initiatives

Welcome to (HEDECS)

Health and Development Consultancy Services (HEDECS) is a women-led organization headquartered in Bamenda North West Region of Cameroon. It is a non- governmental, non- sectarian, non-profit oriented and apolitical organization, founded in 2006 (authorization 2008) that strives for socio-economic empowerment of marginalized and other community member groups through improved health.

A society where people have a better quality of life.

To improve the health and livelihood of communities through sustainable interventions.

To contribute to improved quality of life by enhancing knowledge, sustainable practices and services in the areas of health, governance, agriculture, climate change and environment

  1. Commitment to Beneficiaries, Partners and Stakeholders
  2. Partnerships for Change
  3. Dynamic, Passionate and Visionary Staff

Focus Areas

Health, Water and Sanitation

The focus of HEDECS in the health sector is to mainstream the Sustainable Development Agenda of of quality Health care for all in both urban and rural areas. Since inception, HEDECS earmarked activities such as Research, Education, advocacy and community based services as the main drive of our success. The

Organizational Development

In addressing the developmental needs especially in the rural areas where development is still lacking, HEDECS has resulted with an action to help youths and women in the rural form establish and run their organizations in order to address some of the developmental issues in their localities. This issue ranges

Youth and Community Development

HEDECS through its intercession for development has mapped out several important sectors that needs intervention but are less attended to by the government and other development bodies. Working to ameliorate living conditions of women and youths in both the rural and urban areas has been one of the DEDECS’s Mission

Policy Advocacy & Implementation

Advocacy as part of our development approach has impacted over hundreds of thousands of lives especially in the rural areas. Playing primordial role in policy advocacy in Cameroon, HEDECS through policy advocacy that target stakeholders and development partners with programs and project that targets the rural areas and the underprivileged

Keep Updated About Our Programs Activities

Stay informed about the latest happenings at the AYA Foundation. Here, we share our recent activities, notable achievements, and upcoming events. Whether it’s the launch of a new program, a success story from our community, or an upcoming workshop or seminar, you’ll find all the exciting news and updates right here.

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We welcome your inquiries and look forward to connecting with you. Whether you have questions about our programs, want to volunteer, or are interested in supporting our mission, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Head Office Location: Nchobu. P.O Box 798, Bmenda NWR Cameroon

(+ 237) 233 36 20 42/677 67 38 78

HEDECS 2024 © All Rights Reserved

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