HEDECS under the NFM2 of the Global Fund for HIV, TB and MALARIA in Cameroon has the malaria community directed interventions component. This regional task force meeting has as objective to review activities for the 1st semester 2020. The task force looked at the state of implementation of activities including the situation of materials and inputs. During the session HEDECS made a presentation of the results achieved for the semester within the community directed component, which included indicators like, 1235 suspected malaria cases, 1193 positive Rapid Diagnostic Tests, 940 confirmed simple malaria cases treated with first line treatment, 180 complicated malaria referred to health facility, 50 pregnant women referred , 53 Tb lost to follow up found, 6 suspected TB cases referred, 4672 home visits conducted by the CHWs amongst others. The challenges in the implementation of the program where looked into and recommendations made to improve on service delivery and reporting. Comparative analyses was done on the impact of the activities of the Community Health Workers on the output of the Health District.
Presentation BAFUT for regional task force meeting