DIVERSION: Engaging Families

DIVERSION: Engaging Families

By Regan Aagho (Counselor) HEDECS
Bolima Nancy (Diversion Manager) HEDECS
1 December 2015
Juveniles who have been diverted out of the judicial chain are referred to the diversion program at HEDECS. They go through a number of counseling sessions for behavioral change. For this task to be fully achieved the family (a stakeholder) must be involved. These juveniles (called clients) attend some counseling sessions with their parents / guardians
Many parents do accompany clients during the sessions. In addition to this, parents maintain communication with the counselors either through phone calls or physical contact in addressing the needs of our clients. Some parents update counselors on the challenges and successes with their children back at home.
Parents who cannot come to the office are met at their home, office or business sites. An example is a parent of one of my clients who is struggling to run her small business out of home and performing domestic duties. For this reason, I (client’s counselor) meet client’s mother at her business site when need arises and my client finally successfully went through the counseling sessions and has been reintegrated into the family and community. He is now going to school.
So far, through diversion, some parents can now speak out to their children, dialogue, and advice rather than scorn their children. They pay more attention and get more attached to their children. The relationship between parents and children are being strengthened positively. When families bond, communities bond and society becomes more safe and productive
HURRAY FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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