A Cry for Help Ikweri Village

A Cry for Help Ikweri Village

Njikwa Council is found in Njikwa sub division in Momo Division of the North West Region. It is located within the grassland savannah area of the mountainous western highland region and forest zone of Cameroon. It is considered a transitional zone as it terminates the savannah grass of the North West Region and begins the forest area of the South West Region. It is situated about 64km from Bamenda. It is bounded by Menchum Division to the north and to the east by Mezam Division and Mbengwi Central Sub Division, while to the west it is surrounded by Widikum Sub Division and to the south by Ngie Sub Division. The entire sub division covers a land surface area of about 685 square kilometers. According to the recent population and housing census (2005), the council population is 16,634 with men 8,126 and 8,508 for women. It is made up of 09 villages as follows; Oshie, Ngwo, Konda, Bassa, Bakwa, Ikweri, Banya, Ekwebo, Bako. They are all enclaved, no roads, no social amenities nor development.

HEDECS was recruited by the PNDP program to carry out a council diagnosis in this area which involved going into all the nine villages that make up Njikwa Sub division to come out with a council development plan for the area. This falls under the decentralization process in Cameroon to give power to the councils to develop their areas.

Moving through these villages of Njikwa, HEDECS team realized how these villagers suffer when it comes to health care. They have far off health centers such that before getting to one, a patient might die on the way just because of the difficulties in the 9 villages being so enclave with limited health facilities. In the entire Njikwa there are 5 health centers. HEDECS field staff witnessed a situation where a corpse was carried on the head from Ngwo village to Ikweri village a distance of about 6km and from one quarter of the village to the other due to no vehicles and no medical attention. Continue Reading below

[su_document url=”http://hedecs.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/A-Cry-for-Help.pdf”]

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